This is something of an old-friends-weekend. Alex, who we're staying with, is a junior high and high school friend of Erica's. She hasn't seen him since high school, but they recently reconnected via the internet.
And at dinner I got to see my friend Robb, one of the Deadbeets and co-god parent of Emma. I haven't seen Robb in 2 years or so. He's keen.
Then we went and saw Avenue Q. Wow. I already have the soundtrack, so I thought I knew how good the show was. But the show was even more amazing than that. It's so funny and touching and vulgar and thought-provoking and puppet-filled. And, it turned out that tonight was their one-year anniversary of running on Broadway.
I made it back to the Del Close in time to catch Nailed Down (I wanted to see what they did with that form) while Alex and Erica took a stroll over to Chelsea.
And now we're back at Alex's, watching Kung Fu movies and packing up to leave New York early tomorrow morning.