Don't Spit the Water

The pilot episode of Don’t Spit the Water, the crazy live game show, that we taped back in June will be airing this Saturday night, September 3, at midnight on WCIU here in Chicago.

Antenna - 26.1
Comcast (HD) - 183
RCN - 6 / 606
WOW - 6 / 207
DISH - 26
U-VERSE - 10 / 1010

You can watch at home (and if you happen to be a Nielsen household, please do!) or you can join us for a special viewing party at the Lincoln Tap Room (3010 N Lincoln, Chicago) starting at 10 pm. There’s some sort of drink special, if you like that sort of thing.

Cutie Bumblesnatch, Sasha and the Noob will be on WCIU’s You and Me This Morning show tomorrow (Friday, 9/2) at 7:10 am to promote the show. And there’s a great Sun-Times article online now that will be in the print edition tomorrow.

Addendum: OK, I’ve been in the paper before. I’ve been on TV before. But I just went to the Tivo to program our show to record and it hit me—I’ve never been on the Tivo schedule with a show name that’s our name. (Yes, Talkin’ Funny has been on for several seasons now, but due to CAN-TV’s scheduling it always shows up on the Tivo as “Local Origination”.)