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July 2008 Archives

July 24, 2008

It Came From the Neo-Futurarium

Ninja 3: The DominationI'll be the narrator in Camenae's dramatic reading of Ninja III: The Domination for the Neo-Futurists' It Came From the Neo-Futurarium.

"A mysterious, relentless masked warrior kills a scientist, his entourage, and half of the Los Angeles Police Department before being gunned down on a golf course...and then his soul possesses the body of a sexy aerobics instructor to continue his mission of murder! Floating swords, mostly silent one-eyed martial artists, vaguely Asian mysticism, and the erotic properties of tomato juice combine into an action-packed kill-fest directed by Dana Dardai of the Camenae Ensemble Theatre Company."

The Neo-Futurarium
5153 N. Ashland Ave. 2nd Fl.
Chicago, IL

July 5, 2008

Pastor of Muppets

Pastor of MuppetsPastor of Muppets at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). Long form improvisation.

Feast of Pedro and Cowlick perform on the same bill.

July 18, 2008


bare_badge.jpgMy high-energy improv duo Bare will be appearing at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago).

Homey Loves Chachi and Mort perform on the same bill.

July 19, 2008

LOL Theater

Laugh Out Loud TheaterLaugh Out Loud Theater (formerly the Chicago Comedy Co Theater) at the Streets of Woodfield Mall (601 N. Martingale Road, Suite 171, Schaumburg, IL).

There are two shows, one at 7:30 and one at 9:30. Both shows are short-form improv. The early show is family-friendly ("G - PG" as they say), the later show can be just a little more racy (PG-16, if there was such a thing).

July 12, 2008

LOL Theater

Laugh Out Loud TheaterLaugh Out Loud Theater (formerly the Chicago Comedy Co Theater) at the Streets of Woodfield Mall (601 N. Martingale Road, Suite 171, Schaumburg, IL).

There are two shows, one at 7:30 and one at 9:30. Both shows are short-form improv. The early show is family-friendly ("G - PG" as they say), the later show can be just a little more racy (PG-16, if there was such a thing).

July 5, 2008

Don't Spit the Water

Don't Spit the WaterDon't Spit the Water at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). A Crazy Live Game Show!

I'll be in the booth as your lovable announcer, 100% Gerdes.

July 26, 2008

Don't Spit the Water

Don't Spit the WaterDon't Spit the Water at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). A Crazy Live Game Show!

I'll be in the booth as your lovable announcer, 100% Gerdes.

About July 2008

Fuzzy Gerdes

This page contains all of Fuzzy Gerdes' performances from July 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2008 is the previous archive.

August 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.