Books 51-79

In August I completed my self-imposed goal of reading 50 books in a year and I said I was going to stop counting -- well, I just stopped counting in public. I definitely slacked off in pace, as I only read 29* more books in the rest of the year. But I was intentionally focussing more on video games in my personal media consumption. Now I have to decide if I'm going to set myself the same goal this year.

51. Lulu Eightball - Emily Flake
52. Lady of Mazes - Karl Schroeder
53. Chasing Vermeer - Blue Balliet
54. Clockwork - Philip Pullman
55. Wall and Piece - Banksy
56. The Big Bounce - Elmore Leonard
57. Parakeets - Nikki Moustaki
58. Old Man's War - John Scalzi
59. Skinny Dip - Carl Hiaasen
60. The Bourne Identity - Robert Ludlum
61. That Noise - Dan Telfer
62. Beauty and the Biz: The International Adventures of America's Third-to-Next Top Model - Elyse Sewell
63. 1632 - Eric Flint
Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting - Catherine Jamieson and Sean McCormick
64. Penny Arcade 1: Attack of the Bacon Robots - Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins
65. Penny Arcade 2: Epic Legends of the Magic Sword Kings - Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins
66. Manifold: Space - Stephen Baxter
67. Castleview - Gene Wolfe
68. Swag - Elmore Leonard
69. Definition of Awesome - Zach Miller
70. Terraforming Earth - Jack Williamson
71. Penultimate Peril - Lemony Snicket
72. The End - Lemony Snicket
73. Psychlone - Greg Bear
74. Improvising Better - Jimmy Carrane and Liz Allen
75. From Campus to Combat - James Alter
76. I Know You're Out There - Michael Beaumier
77. The Areas of My Expertise - John Hodgman
78. Sick Puppy - Carl Hiassen
79. Queen of Angels - Greg Bear

* And a half -- I'm in the middle of Darker Than You Think by Jack Williamson.