The New Improv Page-Events

What would the improv world be without a chance to get together with other improvisors occasionally and talk and learn and compete and perform and watch performances and drink and party and so forth? Festivals, special events, tournaments, etc...
- World Domination TheatreSports Improv Tournament (Atlanta, GA)
September 8-11, 2010
- Kansas City Improv Festival (Kansas City, MO)
September 10-18, 2010
- Toronto Improv Festival (Toronto, ON, Canada)
September 20-25, 2010
- Calgary Improv Festival (Calgary, AB, Canada)
September 21 - October 3, 2010
- New Zealand Improv Festival (Wellington, NZ)
October 5-9, 2010
- Vancouver International Improv Festival (Vancouver, BC, Canada)
October 5-10, 2010
- Rochester Improv Fringe Festival (RIFF) (Rochester, NY)
October 14-24, 2010
- Victoria International Improv Festival (Victoria, BC, Canada)
October 20-24, 2010
- Philadelphia Improv Festival (Philadelphia, PA)
November 1-7, 2010
- San Francisco Sketch Comedy Festival (San Francisco, CA)
January 13-February 2, 2011
- Charleston Comedy Festival (Charleston, SC)
January 19-22, 2011
- Gainesville Improv Festival (Gainesville, FL)
January 19-22, 2011
- North Carolina Comedy Arts Festical
February 16-20, 2011
- Chicago Improv Festival (Chicago, IL)
April 2011
- Phoenix Improv Festival (Phoenix, AZ)
April 2011
- Ladies Are Funny Festival (Austin, TX)
May 2011
- Twin Cities Improv Festival (Minneapolis, MN)
June 2011
- Improvaganza (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
June 15-21, 2011
- Artistic New Directions - Summer Improv Intensive (Big Indian, NY)
June 27-July 1, 2011
- Artistic New Directions - Master Improv Retreat (Big Indian, NY)
August 15-19, 2011
- Milwaukee Comedy Festival (Milwaukee, WI)
Summer 2011
- CAMPROV: Improv Comedy Retreat & Festival of Wonder (Raymond, ME)
Links to past festivals:
- Amsterdam International Improvisation Festival (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- Canadian Improv Games (Canada)
- Del Close Marathon (New York, NY)
- Duke City Improv Festival (Albuquerque, NM)
- Festival Internacional de Improvisación Teatral (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- The Fracas! Improv Festival
- Improfestival Berlin (Berlin, Germany)
- Just for Laughs - Chicago (Chicago, IL)
- Just for Laughs - Montreal (Montreal, QC, Canada)
- Just for Laughs - Toronto (Toronto, ON, Canada)
- Köelner Impro Festival (Köln, Germany)
- LAUGH (Chicago, IL)
- Los Angeles Improv Comedy Festival (Los Angeles, CA)
- Lowell Comedy Festival (Lowell, MA)
- Out of Bounds Comedy Festival (Austin, TX)
- Providence Improv Festival (Providence, RI)
- PULVER (Oslo, Norway)
- Red River Improv Festival (Fargo, ND)
- San Francisco Improv Festival (San Francisco, CA)
- Santa Cruz Improv Festival (Santa Cruz, CA)
- Seattle Festival of Improv Theater (Seattle, WA)
- Snubfest (Chicago, IL)
- Southeastern Comedy Arts Festival (Columbia, MS)
- St. Louis Improv Festival (St. Louis, MO)
- St. Louis (Improv) Fringe Festival (St. Louis, MO)
- Teen Improv Tournament (Toronto, ON)
To have your events added to this list, email the info to Be sure to include the following information:
- The name of the event
- The dates and times of the event
- The city, state (or province) and country of the event
- Contact information (phone and email if possible)
- Description or URL of more information
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Last updated September 10, 2010, maintained by Fuzzy Gerdes,