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A rare Bare treat for Chicago

For the last couple of years, my two-man improv group Bare has been performing more outside of Chicago than at home. And now that Shaun's in the UK for six months, we likely won't even be doing many shows anywhere. Which makes it an extra-extra special treat for all three Bare fans that we're doing a show tomorrow night (Saturday, July 7, 8pm) at the Playground. We're talking about bringing back Pageant of History -- though we're willing to take requests (Hotel? Small town? Who would do that? Actual Theatre?).

Mustang Repair and Homey Loves Chachi are performing on the same bill and all three groups will joining together to perform a Dream for a silent auction winner from the Playground's recent 10th anniversary celebrations.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 6, 2007 11:03 AM.

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The next post in this blog is 7 on the 8th.

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