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7 on the 8th

According to my marathon training schedule, I was supposed to run 7 miles on 7/7/07. Instead, Shaun, who is in training himself for a half-Ironman, convinced me and Jin that it would be a good idea to re-do the 38 mile bike ride that he had missed because he was out of the country. So we did that yesterday and this morning we (plus the handsome and debonair Matt Larsen) ran 7 miles. I was not in the best of shape this morning -- in addition to the bike ride, I was also up late taking photos for the Belmont Burlesque Revue at their Martyrs' show -- but I keep telling myself that if I can survive these runs when I'm not feeling that great, imagine how easy it will be when I actually get some rest beforehand.


Nice job, Fuzzy! 11 minute miles! You've inspired me to start running. Which is fun. I've done 3-4 miles. I'll have to shoot for a 7 miler sometime.

Keep it up!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 8, 2007 11:31 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Heading off to Utah.

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