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366 Cartoons - 336 to 342

366 Cartoons - 336 - Coyote and Raven

(large size)

366 Cartoons - 337 - Bad Kitty

Blue lines? Hard to read? Yep, it's a late night already-in-bed cartoon.

A transcript, since it's so hard to decipher: "You're a bad kitty! Bad! You're... aw, so cute."

366 Cartoons - 338 - Predictive Texting

366 Cartoons - 340 - Whose Egg?

366 Cartoons - 339 - Best Beer Stein in the World

I was trying to describe the Best Beer Stein in the World (with inset eagle statuette) to Erica (spotted at the Brau Haus) and failing, so I thought I'd just draw it.

366 Cartoons - 341 - Coyote and Raven

So at Joey's Brickhouse they have a big chalkboard and chalk in the bathroom.

366 Cartoons - 342 - Rhino Businessman

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 11, 2010 11:03 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Up in the Air.

The next post in this blog is I'm in.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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