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I'm in

I've just now signed up for the 2010 Chicago Triathlon. Pretty soon after last year's race I started thinking that I would like to do it again, and that if I started training earlier than April for an August race I might be able to do a pain-free race, and maybe even finish better than 63rd from last. Maybe. Well, I did keep swimming all fall and winter, and ran an occasional 5k. Last weekend I got a indoor bike trainer and printed out a calendar to start writing in training goals. So tonight I made it all official. It's about $175 to sign up for the triathlon and that's a hefty enough sum of money to make it seem real. I can decide all I want, but once I've laid out some cash, by gum I'm not going to back out.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 13, 2010 11:01 PM.

The previous post in this blog was 366 Cartoons - 336 to 342.

The next post in this blog is BBQ Hash.

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