Update: I've found out about the other Dirty Movie Night from the comments here and I've posted a response.
Update2: We've renamed the show SINema.
So Franky made a poster, which is one of the great things about working with a producer. Usually it's me running around trying to do 10 things at once. With Franky on board, that's down to 6 or 7 things.
We're putting up this show, if you haven't noticed, on something of a tight schedule. I've only just finalized the video pieces we're going to use for opening night and now I'm sitting, an hour away from rehearsal, willing the DVD encoding to go faster so that I can actually show it to the cast. That's a downside of a video-based show. I seem to recall promising myself after both our hugely complex Sketchfest show last year and after our last run of the tech-heavy Neutrino Project that my next show would be simple, simple, simple. And yet here I am, up to my neck in DVDs and VHSes of old movies, watching a progress bar creep across a monitor.
I'm really leaning on my cast for this show. Andrea Swanson has done this kind of thing with me before, in Cinema 2.0. Erica is delighfully vulgar and is very kind to let me throw her into another show when she's already in rehearsals for a real play. Jared Logan is a treat as Kelly Paynes in Don't Spit the Water and brings a very-different (to me) stand-up comedy sense of preparedness to the show. And Shaun always brings the oomph. Shaun is the oomph.
You guys totally stole that from the other free Dirty Movie Night which happened at Odd Obsession movies on Halsted last year! Can't you all think of anything original? That was so 2005!
Posted by: Brooke Anderson | January 26, 2006 11:50 AM
"Oops" if the name is not original, but I'm sure this show will be rather different from the one at Odd Obsession. We've got improv games and green screen antics and liquor, sweet, sweet liquor.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
January 26, 2006 12:04 PM
Using another name or even a differing idea would have been appropriate. I mean, you guys even know the Odd Obsession people! There was even talk of the Odd Obsession Event being hosted in your venue! This takes nerve.
Posted by: Jerk. | January 26, 2006 2:18 PM
Dirty Movie Nights had wine and cheese...but no worries....anyone who matters knows which came first. You can never top the original. I LOVE the ORIGINAL Dirty Movie Night! I hope it returns soon!!!
Posted by: TomLover | January 26, 2006 2:50 PM
Wow! Don't you guys even realize how many people you're going to let down when they realize YOUR Dirty Movie Night isn't the one that Odd Obsession hosts every month?? Who would pay $10 for a Dirty Movie Night when you could go to Odd Obsession's for FREE?? Talk about riding on someone else's publicity. Shame!
Posted by: Safire | January 26, 2006 2:54 PM
WHAT!? You stole their name? You are gonna get your ass beat down Fucky. I'll be at the show Friday. OH I'LL BE THERE, I'll be the one beating your face into the wall.
Posted by: DICK | January 26, 2006 3:21 PM
Your response to this mischief posted in the upper right hand corner is an awful cop out. Much goes into a name. Just because a name isn't copyrighted, or as you guys say "generic", doesn't give you the moral say so to feed off another's popularity. Dirty Movie Night at Odd Obsession took a 2 month break for Thanksgiving and Chrismas/New Year's. Before this there was talk of restarting the show at the Lakeshore Theatre (home of Lavander Cab), not Improv Kitchen. This change never took place obviously, but certain people involved here were in the know of Odd Obsession's night. Regardless, the real Dirty Movie Night was set to start up again this Saturday. About a week ago it was postponed for next month. The real Dirty Movie night will return as usual to the last Saturday of each month starting in Feb. Hopefully this other one will not to try ride on its good name in the future now that everything is severely understood.
Posted by: Jerk. | January 26, 2006 4:45 PM
Everything said and so on, I do hope tomorrow night goes well for you all.
Posted by: Jerk. | January 26, 2006 5:10 PM
I want to try and make it clear again that we're not trying to feed off of Odd Obsession's popularity -- *we didn't know their show was named Dirty Movie Night when we named ours*. It *was* dumb not to check. But we'd never intentionally piss off Odd Obsessions or fans of their Dirty Movie Night -- we want to work with Odd Obsessions and we want fans of their show to be fans of our show (on its own merits, not because we "tricked" them into coming to our show).
Thanks for your corrections to some of my information about when the other show ran and about which venue you were talking about -- I've noted those corrections in the other post.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
January 26, 2006 5:15 PM
> I do hope tomorrow night goes well for you all.
Dear Jerk (hey, he named himself that),
Thanks for the kind words.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
January 26, 2006 5:21 PM
OK, so the name isn't copyrighted...You're forgiven. So, I'm thinking of showing up tomorrow and I just had a few questions... First, what movies are you going to show??? Anything in 8 or 16mm? That would be really cool. If you want to beat Odd Obsession I’d suggest showing some of those...
Also, since you guys seem to have some kind of knowledge of classic porn, can you tell me:
1) Who has appeared in more XXX movies than anyone else?
2) What was the first commercially produced narrative hardcore film?
3) Could you tell me the names of any crossover stars (people who did both mainstream and porn)?
4) And last, what's the name of the infamous enema movie from 1976 based on Taxi Driver?
Thanks for any help, and I hope to see you guys tomorrow.
Or, to find out the answers to these questions and more, I'll just go to the ORIGINAL DIRTY MOVIE NIGHT hosted by ODD OBSESSION MOVIES
1659 n. Halsted Chicago, Illinois, 60614
(312)573-9910 Tues-Sun 1-11 PM
Posted by: Liquid C--T | January 26, 2006 7:15 PM
Fuzzy...maybe you didn't know the name of Odd Obsession's night...but Lavender Cabaret sure as heck did! No one's fooled by that nonsense of not knowing! After all, they are the same cabaret team that overthrew that OTHER cabaret group out of the Lakeshore Theater.
And the sad thing is...they put on a good show...if only they were a little more original.
Posted by: Dark Princess | January 26, 2006 11:47 PM
Fuzzy...maybe you didn't know the name of Odd Obsession's night...but Lavender Cabaret sure as heck did! No one's fooled by that nonsense of not knowing! After all, they are the same cabaret team that overthrew that OTHER cabaret group out of the Lakeshore Theater last year!
And the sad thing is...they put on a good show...if only they were a little more original.
Posted by: Dark Princess | January 26, 2006 11:47 PM
Hey, Does anyone want to go picket with me at this show? I'm bringing paints if someone else can bring a sign or 2. Jerk? You in? We need to represent! let's show our support of OUR Dirty Movie Night!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Solid D--K | January 26, 2006 11:50 PM
Let me just begin by saying that everyone on this forum ought to just chill out.
That said, I was a regular at Odd Obsession's Dirty Movie Nights last year, and although these events were not always the best organized and executed, they were always entertaining, informative, and above all FREE! Therefore, it upsets me as a former customer/patron of both the store and these events to see such callus and rude behavior being directed towards a group of people who have not seemed to have done anything to you.
Do you expect me or anyone else to believe that the fact that both the name and subject matter of both yours and Odd Obsession's events are almost identical is nothing more than a coincidence? I honestly doubt anyone is that stupid.
Furthermore, your actions are neither flattering to you as people nor examples of good business practices. Also, having seen a couple of your Lavender Cabaret shows, I can say that as a group of performers you are rather talented, but considering your blatant rudeness, I have no intention of ever patronizing any of your shows again. Your rudeness and hurtfulness to both Odd Obsession as well as EVERY PERSON WHO PARTICIPATES IN THE EVNTS there is a sign of immaturity and selfishness. It is quite obvious that you a have a personal vendetta against either Odd Obsession or someone who is part of their event. The key word there though is personal, meaning it is between you and whoever that person might be. Therefore, if you have something against Odd Obsession, it is unfair for you to also enact a revenge that negatively affects the other performers in the event. Likewise, if you have a problem with one of the individual performers, it is unfair of you to take a revenge that also hurts the store. Remember, everyone who participates in their show is not being paid, but is doing it as a gesture of friendship.
In any case, you should do the mature thing which is canceling the show, or at least radically altering its content so that it does not seem like a mere copy of someone else’s idea, and if that’s too much, at least change the name.
Posted by: marlon | January 27, 2006 12:44 AM
I love pickles.
Posted by: harold | January 27, 2006 3:17 AM
Yo man....don't be dissin' the Odd Obsession man. you know...someday they is goin' to make a remake of dis here thing which we so as much discuss about for future reference. An they is remakin' Porky's! How can they even go about remaking that and dissin' us here when we has always been kind at renting the video from the store? I guess it don't matter much since I will still be rentin' from that store because they have $2 Wednesday and that gives me plenty of bus fare home for another particular function which I so speak up at all. that's all I wants to say. Peace out.
Posted by: Antoine | January 27, 2006 3:21 AM
>Do you expect me or anyone else to believe that the fact that
> both the name and subject matter of both yours and Odd
> Obsession's events are almost identical is nothing more than a
> coincidence?
Umm... yes?
When you say "subject matter" -- yes, our show also features smutty movies. Madagascar and March of the Penguins both feature penguins, but they're not the same movie. I've never seen the Odd Obsession show, but I doubt it features green screen work. I'm sure there will be many things their show has that ours does not, also. Different shows.
> It is quite obvious that you a have a personal vendetta against
> either Odd Obsession or someone who is part of their event.
Um... no?
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
January 27, 2006 8:58 AM
Are you people for real? That you would say all of these things, threaten to picket, call someone else rude (the pot calling the kettle black), just going on and on about something so basically trivial? It's a show!! Entertainment!! Okay, a name glitch. Over and done. MOVE ON!!!! Fuzzy is one of the kindest people I have ever met. He would NEVER intentionally do something to hurt someone! I think Chicago is big enough to accomodate this little problem!!!
People are dying. People have no homes. People have no hope. Concern yourselves with something important!!!! If I were in Chicago this weekend, I would certainly be front and center of this show and I would laugh and enjoy myself. If you don't want to go, DON'T GO!!!!
I just had to put in my feelings and thoughts.
Have a good day.
Posted by: tricia | January 27, 2006 9:00 AM
I have never met, nor do I have anything against Fuzzy. I never supported picketing or anything else like that. Maybe I was a bit harsh for neither I nor anyone else has actually seen the show.
Still, I will maintain a strong belief in the obvious, since certain things (such as the same name) are just a bit too coincidental for me to write them off as mere coincidences. In fact, if you're trying to say that your show will be very different from Odd Obsession's, you should invite some of the Odd Obsession people to it, just to prove them wrong.
Posted by: marlon | January 27, 2006 9:26 AM
This kind of thing happens all the time and rarely is it because someone is trying to capitalize on someone else's success. When Disney did a movie called "The Kid" they wanted to make sure people knew it wasn't a remake of Chaplin's "The Kid," so they called it "Disney's The Kid." I suggest Fuzzy retitle his show "Disney's Dirty Movie Night." That should keep him from getting into trouble.
Posted by: Joe | January 27, 2006 9:46 AM
Has it ever occurred to anyone, also, that because Fuzzy has got other things going on in his life, that it never occurred to HIM or anyone involved, that there was another show by that name? It isn't obvious. And I believe that in an above post, Fuzzy HAS contacted the other show in an attempt to foster good will. Beating a dead horse is really a waste of time. I mean, there is another woman in my town with the same name, I get her phone calls all the time. I haven't threatened her, however, or berated her for the OBVIOUS fact that I am older than she is, so therefore, she stole my name. That would be about as ridiculous as this whole controversy has become. Again, it is COMEDY! Not a life or death situation. Again, if you don't want to go, then don't go!! Also, in a few months, a few weeks even, this will just be another silly story that someone will tell and the listener will go, umm, that is funny that that happened and then they will move on to something else.
Life is short. Don't get mired down in petty non-arguments. And I know what I am talking about. Let it go.
It reminds me of the book THE FOUR AGREEMENTS, by Don Miguel Ruiz. Four things that people need to do: 1. Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. 2.Don't take anything personally. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. 3. Don't make assumptions. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings. I believe that Fuzzy has attempted to do this. 4. Always do your best. Self explanatory, I think.
And before you think that I am a goody two shoes new age person, I myself need to reread this book because of things in my life.
So, put on a good cd or radio station, enjoy the fact that it is Friday, enjoy the fact that you are able to go to shows at all. I will be 52 in a week. My husband has cancer. But I am listening to an oldies station, enjoying the heck out of this particular minute.
Sorry that this has become a thesis. I got wound up!!!!! Again, have a great day and an even greater weekend!!!!!!
Posted by: tricia | January 27, 2006 9:56 AM
I know Fuzzy would never do anything intentional to hurt someone and in all honesty I have never heard of Odd Obsession's Dirty Movie Night. While there is no such thing as bad publicity, I now have no desire to see Odd Obsession. Their fans seem too smug.
Posted by: Jimmer | January 27, 2006 10:13 AM
Dear Jerks- No one has copywritten the name DIRTY MOVIE NIGHT. Get over yourselves. And if your damn DIRTY MOVIE NIGHT is so popular, why haven't you done it since October. Seriously.
I just googled Dirty Movie Night and it looks like a girl named Lisa in Austin had a Dirty Movie Night and posted about it in her Blog:
Call 911! Please go down to Austin and post some nasty crap on her blog. She's a thief! A liar!
Also space girl:
wants to host a dirty movie night. Please email her immediately and tell her how she is a thief!
also, hostgrrrl is having a dirty movie night:
Yah! Now you evil people with opinions can go and post in other places!
Glad I could help! Amy
Posted by: amy godwin | January 27, 2006 10:20 AM
every night in my house is dirty movie night. oh no. am i in trouble too?
Posted by: kristen | January 27, 2006 10:30 AM
OK, I found this funny at first.
Now I'm risiting a rant...oh so carefully resisting...
To lay out some fact, and some AGAIN because Fuzzy already has done it. But some peopel don't seem ot read them.
1. I am a cast member, just so you know.
2. I have never seen an odd obbsession show.
3. I know fuzzy has never seen an odd obbsession show.
4. I am 99% sure the Producer of this show never seen an odd obbsession show.
5. I know the Producer contacted them about involvement in our show because he had "heard of another dirty show" but we were all unaware of the content of said show
5. Fuzzy directed a show years ago (well before OO's DMN) called Cinema 2.0, that this show is loosely based on, the only real difference is movie content AND we do more varieties of things now.
6. In Rehearsal for this show we came up with things via the rehearsal process that went into this show. We DEVELOPED IDEAS from Rehearsal, this is a very common thing in Theater.
7. Mystery Science Theatre Came up with commenting on movies Forever ago. And theatres accross the country have done shows like that many time.
8. This hsow is MUCH more related ot IMprov than Direty movies. We are basically doing an improv show, that has "Dirty Movies" as the source material we focus on, intead of say something like Second City and their Political material.
9. IMPROV based. Like ImprovOlympic or the PLayground Theatre both 3 blocks away.
10. No body hits fuzzy but me.
drop me a line, I'll happily talk ot anyone who wants to.
Posted by: Shaun | January 27, 2006 10:31 AM
i don't mean to get political here, but shouldn't all of you be more upset about hamas sweeping the palestinian elections?
by complaining about two shows with the same name in the same city you are effectively LETTING THE TERRORISTS WIN.
hope you are happy!
Posted by: kristen | January 27, 2006 10:39 AM
Oh my god, will all of you little bitches shut up!
It seems like neither one of you have any good post ideas anymore. I haven't been to either show and I dont like porn but come on, this is just way to coincidental. Look, in any case you guys should just appologize to the Odd Obsession people and be done with it.
Posted by: gary | January 27, 2006 10:55 AM
Posted by: Jerk | January 27, 2006 11:06 AM
Hey kids, keep it civil(ish) here.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
January 27, 2006 11:11 AM
I'm a supporter of Odd Obsession and their film night. It's a nice atmosphere. They're a friendly bunch....the free entertainment is cool....there is always wine and cheese...and you meet a lot of other people who are into cult movies. Don't think it's a bad or smug place. The postings I have seen here must be from a select few who are angry at the similarity of the name and subject matter. I first found out about the Dirty Movie Night in Time Out last year and went to the screenings following the article. I am excited to go there again. I was shocked when I read the above postings from supporters of Odd Obsession who want to picket and other stuff. I think these are idle threats and should not be taken seriously, as the only people I have encountered at the Dirty Movie Nights are friendly and geeky film types.
So if it's causing this much trouble, one of your venues should change it's name...
Posted by: mama mayham | January 27, 2006 11:42 AM
Thank you mama mayhem!
You seem to be the only civil person here.
Posted by: marlon | January 27, 2006 12:00 PM
For those of you who have never heard of me, I'm the Executive Director and primary Producer for WNEP Theater. For everyone else - hey.
Coupla thoughts -
Let me introduce you to Fuzzy Gerdes. FuzzyCo (he and Shaun's production company) heard of a show that incorporated live improvisation and film called created by a New York group called "Neutrino." Fuzzy decided that that concept would fly well here in Chicago.
Understand that there was no copyright on the show's formula - show concepts cannot be copyrighted.
Instead of simply doing the show under the radar, Fuzzy called the NYC group, explained what he wanted to do, got permission, put up his version (entitled "The Neutrino Project"), had tremendous success with it, and then assisted Neutrino's entry into the Chicago Improv Festival (which is the world's largest such festival and which Neutrino got to play on the 950 seat mainstage in front of reps from HBO and Comedy Central), and not only assisted the Mainstage show, but helped get the NYC folks places to sleep while they in Chicago.
That's Fuzzy - he's the cute one in the corner.
Second, to suggest that he (or the folks of Lavender Cabaret - the best burlesque show in town for years now - actively went out to steal a highly distinctive name like "Dirty Move Night" is not only ridiculous, it's insulting.
Finally, I have no doubt that no one involve in the "FuzzyCo Dirty Movie Night presented by Pepsi Cola and Disney" is either putting Odd Obsessions out of business OR going to make vast sums of money for either Fuzzy, Frankie or the Improv Kitchen in spite of my expectation that it will draw a sizeable audience.
In conclusion - calm down and do a competing "Dirty Movie Night" - call it "The Very First Dirty 8 millimeter Movie Night that is FREE and has No Green Screen," host it in direct competition with the "FuzzyCo Ripped Offf Title Dirty Movie Night sponsored by Taco Bell and Chicken Hut Improv Hour" and guess what? Both shows will still have plenty of audience.
Posted by: Don Hall | January 27, 2006 1:09 PM
Marlon, I am also civil. I said nothing rude. Just wanting to remind you.
Posted by: tricia | January 27, 2006 1:12 PM
First of all, to that person who said we "kicked the other group" out of the Lakeshore Theater, that's entirely not true. Get your friggin' facts straight. We were the original group in there from Dec 03 to April 04, before "Flirt" ever got there. During the Flirt run, the manager of the LST called us and begged us to come back because he said that the Flirt show was terrible. I have no opinion on it, I've never seen it. But check your facts.
Also, a fact, we did NOT know that brian's night was called "Dirty Movie Night". In fact, I'll copy an email here sent to him where I asked him on October 25 to sponsor our event, which I called "Dirty Movie Night". But that doesn't matter, because in order to offer the olive branch to you guys and show that we do care about this stuff, we've officially changed the name. I love brian and his store. I've only been once, but it was rad.
Here's the email sent to brian on 10/25/05
"Hey man, I'd like to do a promotion with you and your mailing list for "FemmeTV". Let's do an "Odd Obsession" night on November 5th. Anyone on your mailing list can get a two for one ticket (let's discuss it and I'll let you know how to make it work for your customers). That night, we'll run Odd Obsession ads on the movie screen, etc. Thoughts?
I'd also like to plan on getting my "Dirty Movie Night" at Improv Kitchen starting in December.
Posted by: Franky | January 27, 2006 1:22 PM
In light of the mean-spirited and accusatory tone that most of these comments have had, I feel the need to contibute my two cents.
I know Fuzzy and several of the other cast members very well, and I can assure you that each of these individuals are mature, first class entertainers that take their art very seriously. Fuzzy himself has garnered a very respected reputation within the improv world, based on cooperation, innovation, and above all, quality entertainment.
I do not believe that for one minute Fuzzy and his collaborators actively mooched off another's event. It goes against what all of these individuals believe in.
Do I believe that a mistake was made? Yep. But one that was nonetheless an honest mistake. Does Fuzzy perhaps owe the other event an apology? Perhaps he does and perhaps he doesn't, but I guarantee that he will give Odd Obsession an apology (as he already seems to have done) because Fuzzy is a stand-up guy (and I mean in integrity, not comedy). And I am sure that out of respect for the mix-up, Fuzzy will address this issue on the night of the event and clarify to the audience the mistake that was made. Because that's what Fuzzy does. He's nice.
So should Odd Obsession get an apology? Sure. Does EVERYONE on this comment page who has visciously attacked Fuzzy's character and intelligence without ever actually meeting the guy owe HIM an apology? I would say HELL YES, because you can only say this things to him because of the anonymity and relative safety of the internet. Why do I know this? Because if you actually KNEW Fuzzy, and knew what a great guy he is, I assure you you would feel ashamed of yourself.
Let by-gones be by-gones. The show must go on. No one will suffer for this. In fact, even if people go to the FuzzyCo production and mistakenly assume it is related to the Odd Obsession event, then so much the better for Odd Obsession, because chances are FuzzyCo's production will be a good show.
Posted by: baldman76 | January 27, 2006 1:31 PM
And perhaps I am wrong, but have we actually had any comments in this "discussion" from any ACTUAL representatives of Odd Obsession? Perhaps we can defer any further discussion of the matter to the two parties actually involved- FuzzyCo and Odd Obsession. Hate to say it, but the matter really isn't between the two events' fanbases at this point.
Chris Reid
Posted by: baldman76 | January 27, 2006 1:43 PM
See? Now we're all being civil. Let me just repeat once again that I do not know Fuzzy and therefore have nothing against him. So...What's the new name???
Posted by: marlon | January 27, 2006 1:52 PM
Amen, baldman76.
Posted by: tricia | January 27, 2006 1:53 PM
Odd Obession has been contacted since Fuzzy found this out. If you care about the "original" show at all, make sure you read Fuzzy's new post here:
-and if you're so up in arms talk to Odd Obsession and see if they want you to picket. Call Odd Obession yourself and point them here. For all you know Fuzzy will comp them, they will come to the show with bells on, and you will be the dick out front of the theater screaming and ruining their night.
Posted by: Dan Telfer
January 27, 2006 3:08 PM
oh, marlon.
i hate to be uncivil, but get your head out of your ass. the name coincidence wasn't brought to fuzzy's attention until yesterday. the show opens tonight. the re-naming ship has sailed.
Posted by: kelli | January 27, 2006 3:09 PM
I just caught wind of this whole ridiculous argument on the opposing page. I have no moral obligation to fuzzy, etc. calling their night Dirty Movie Night. Do I think it's a bit weird or coincidental? Sure. Overall though, it's good publicity for both groups involved. I wish everyone luck. One problem: the character of individuals or companies involved has not been challenged at all in these posts. It's said to be a misunderstanding. That's fine. What isn't fine is what this Rob K character has said. Here it is
- "The one time I went to Odd Obsession, the number of illegal bootlegs available for rent was mindnumbing. You've got that on them, I guess.
Posted by: Rob K at January 27, 2006 11:48 AM
Not only has he made this a competition, but he has now defamed my character. I'm sorry, but that's where the line should be drawn. Myself, Fuzzy, and Frankie work very hard in our respective areas - the things we do for our customers/community should be respected. I'd love to work in the future with Fuzzy, Frankie, and anyone else relative who actually "gets it". It is neither the place of my patrons or your fans to defame another's character or business. Serious repercussions can arise as a result of such ignorant comments. That's all. Best of luck to everyone. Any thoughts? Please email me directly at brian@oddobsession.com - I will personally answer any questions anyone has.
Best, Brian.
Posted by: Brian (owner of Odd Obsession) | January 27, 2006 4:23 PM
We've changed the name of our show to FilmStrip: Smutty Comedy and Comic Smut.
Posted by: Fuzzy Gerdes
January 27, 2006 4:25 PM
Regardless of what the name is, I'm sure your show will be great. Someday we'll meet up and talk movies and business. Best to you. -b
Posted by: Brian (owner of Odd Obsession) | January 27, 2006 4:36 PM
Thanks, Brian. Well said.
Posted by: Franky | January 27, 2006 5:09 PM
Oh, and btw, I use a "y" instead of an "ie" in Franky. Other people have used "ie" and I don't want to copy them.
Posted by: Franky | January 27, 2006 5:10 PM