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Drinking our way across the South - street drinking

Erica with Beer

I have to confess that I can, at least somewhat, sympathize with the drunken yahoos that Bourbon Street is known for -- we too fell prey to the siren song of "drinking in public, just because you can." But I felt a little better about ourselves that we were drinking Abita Amber.

Fuzzy with Hurricane

Later, I decided that I needed to try a Hurricane from Pat O'Brien's. I've had Hurricanes before, and they were terrible, but I wanted to see if they were better straight from the source. I'm glad I now know that it's just a terrible drink. Most fascinating was the industrial process by which the drink was made -- usually, even the most horrible well-drink involves a bottle at some point, but the Hurricane came from a pair of tubes straight out of a Brazil-induced nightmare.


I would happily drink beer on the streets of any town that let me.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 11, 2006 2:28 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Drinking our way across the South - Pimm's Cup at Napoleon House.

The next post in this blog is Eating our way across the South - Catty Car Corner.

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