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Drinking our way across the South - Pimm's Cup at Napoleon House

Pimm's Cup at Napoleon House

Another drink that I've been making for years, but wanted to try in its milieu* is a Pimm's Cup. You probably don't have a bottle of Pimm's No.1 Cup in your home liquor cabinet (confusingly, Pimm's is the name of both the liquor and the mixed drink) but you probably should. It's a easy summer drink to mix one part Pimm's No.1 and 3 parts Sprite.

It's well past summer, but after walking through the Historic New Orleans Collection's "City of Hope: New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina" exhibit, Erica and I really needed to decompress with a relaxing drink in the comfortable dimness of Napoleon House.

Napoleon House
500 Chartres Street
New Orleans, LA

* It's American home, anyway. In the rest of world, Pimm's Cup is properly consumed at all-day cricket matches.


I love me some Pimm's...

If you're jonesin' for a Pimm's Cup in Chicago, they make a good one at Fizz. Or at least they did when Eric was still working there. I don't know if anyone else there knows how to make one.

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