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Eating our way across the South - Mugshots, Bin 612

Hamburger at Mugshots

We headed up to Starkville, home of Mississippi State (Go Dawgs!), as well as Melissa and Grady, and Mark, Robin, and Sam, for a cross-state, overnight trip. We arrived just before dinner time and so Melissa took us on a quick tour of campus and a fly-by of the best dining options in this cute college town. We decided to go to Grady's favorite spot: Mugshots. Mugshots has huge burgers, with the meat seasoned much like Don Hall* does them and great garlic bread buns (which has given me an idea for the next time we go back to Goldie's). They have one of those "Challenge Meals" -- if you eat a 3-patty burger in under 12 minutes, it's free. Since I couldn't finish the entirety of my single-patty bacon cheeseburger in a half-hour, I'm sure I'd fail. (Though, the excellent fries were also taking up some space in my stomach.) They also have two-for-one beer specials, where they literally bring you two beer mugs each time you order. They were smaller than a pint, but it makes you feel like a two-fisted drinker.

After dinner, we decided to spread out our Starkville experience and have dessert at a different restaurant. I was in the mood for a cappuccino, so I suggested the place that been described as an Italian restaurant, Bin 612. Where better to get a cappuccino than an Italian restaurant? Well, as it turns out, Bin 612 and I disagree about the proper recipe for a cappuccino, as what I got was a really creamy latte. But since we also disagree about the spellings of "dessert", "graham crackers", "marshmallows", and "cinnamon" and about whether regular coffee should be served hot or ice cold (hint, I say "at least warm") I have a feeling I might be on the winning side of the argument.

101 N Douglas Connor St
Starkville, MS

Bin 612
612 University Dr
Starkville, MS

* For the 4 people that that know what I mean when I say that.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 5, 2006 5:37 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Eating our way across the South - Cracker Barrel.

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