I used to have issues with Cracker Barrel, but that's all better now and it's another Reid staple and it's hard to beat their chicken-fried chicken. And my father-in-law, David, can do that golf-tee peg puzzle in 30 seconds.
« Eating our way across the South - Mugshots, Bin 612 | Main | Eating our way across the South - City Bagel Cafe »
I used to have issues with Cracker Barrel, but that's all better now and it's another Reid staple and it's hard to beat their chicken-fried chicken. And my father-in-law, David, can do that golf-tee peg puzzle in 30 seconds.
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 5, 2006 5:39 PM.
The previous post in this blog was Eating our way across the South - Mugshots, Bin 612.
The next post in this blog is Eating our way across the South - City Bagel Cafe.
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