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Eating our way across the South - French Market and Desire

I'm something of chowhound and Erica's learning to put up with my occasional "but if we just drive 10 miles out of town, we can eat at this place I've heard has great burgers" (and sometimes it totally pays off). For whatever reason, on our way into New Orleans I didn't do my usual research and so we mostly ate wherever was close when we were hungry.

Shrimp Etouffee, Red Beans and Rice at French Market Restaurant

For lunch on Saturday, that was the French Market Restaurant. I had the shrimp etouffee and Erica had red beans and rice. Both were fine. We were both members of the Clean Plate Club.

Jambalaya, Oysters, Shrimp at Desire

For dinner on Saturday, we had a veritable feast at Desire Oyster Bar, right on Bourbon. We started with the fried crawfish, which were delectable. For our main course we split an order of jambalaya and a full order of oysters and shrimp. The oysters and shrimp were great. The jambalaya was disappointing -- rather dried out, and the chicken was grilled strips like you'd put on a caesar salad. Bleh.

French Market Restaurant & Bar
1001 Decatur St
New Orleans, LA

Desire Oyster Bar at the Royal Sonesta Hotel
300 Bourbon Street
New Orleans, LA



I have read your statements about your visit to our restaurant and I'm sorry that you were not satisfied with our jambalya and I hope that you will come again and dine with us again. I'm sure we can find something else here that would be to your liking.

Terrence Moore
Desire Restaurant Chef
300 Bourbon St.
New Orleans, LA.

I had the raw oysters at Desire- absolutely fabulous. The oyster shucker had me try his specialty: fried oysters back in the shell dipped in Desire barbecue sauce and topped with crumbled blue cheese. I was shocked I actually loved this combo. My five day vaction to NO will include five visits to the Desire Oyster Bar.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 8, 2006 1:05 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Eating our way across the South - Cafe du Monde.

The next post in this blog is Drinking our way across the South - Pimm's Cup at Napoleon House.

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