Before receiving a staceyrebecca Joystick Finger Puppet
After receiving a staceyrebecca Joystick Finger Puppet
You can plainly see the difference. I suggest you get your own staceyrebecca-brand finger puppet. Or even better, do as I did and get given one for your birthday. It shouldn't be too hard to arrange. I mean, people like you, don't they? You're very likable.
The above face changes could also apply to before-and-after Hot Doug's for lunch, shopping at The Spice House, getting a great package from my parents, and eating at The Publican for dinner. It's been a great birthday. (Please join me Friday for my more-inclusive celebration.)
Happy birthday, Fuzzy! I am going to The Publican tomorrow night, coincidentally. Maybe you can tell me:
1) What MUST I eat, no exceptions?
2) What should I avoid/what wasn't that thrilling?
3) Did you have the pork rinds? Were they as amazing as I've heard?
Posted by: Becca | February 4, 2009 7:43 PM
We actually had a pretty light meal, because we had been to Hot Doug's earlier in the day. The oysters were delicious. The beet salad was very nice. If you like ham, the three ham plate was light, but incredibly tasty. The waffle desert was great. The only miss for us were the pork rinds -- I think that they were as good as pork rinds can be and that pork rinds just aren't that great.
Posted by: Fuzzy
February 4, 2009 10:38 PM