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Lemonade Band / Agudas Achim

Lemonade Band

So this weekend I helped crew a video shoot for a new Steve Delahoyde joint, Lemonade Band. I think I will leave that as mysterious as it is until the video is done.

But I do want to talk about the location. Steve managed to get us into the Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation building. It’s a huge Synagogue and Hebrew school that was built in 1922 and is right down the street from my first home in Chicago. I remember that the Hebrew school was boarded up when I lived over ten years ago (and it turns out it’s been empty for decades) but the congregation, though small, was still active in the Synagogue then. But sometime in that last decade the building has stopped being actively used. It was quiet eerie — there were signs of decay and destruction, but then little touches all over the place like a pair of glasses sitting on a desk in just the position someone would have set them down, that all seemed as those everyone had just walked out of a functioning building years ago.

In between hauling lighting rigs around, I was able to get some photos around the building (click Highlights for a full Flickr set):

Highlights for Children

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