I don't usually look at my webstats -- I get intimidated if I think are too many or too few of you[1] -- but I was interested in how many people were signed up for the vodcast (latest addition -- Dog) and so I took a glance last week. And discovered that a huge percentage of my hits were people on MySpace linking directly to a Simpsons Valentine I posted last year:
And I do, you know, Choo-Choo-Choose You.
I'll confess that for a few minutes I thought about replacing the picture with something nasty (dang bandwidth-stealers), but then I realized that a) it wasn't taking up that much bandwidth and b) it's Love, man -- let Love flow. I'd probably be a better person if I had those thoughts in the reverse order, but what're you gonna do?
So to keep the love flowing, here's some Valentine's Webcomics:
Medium Large: What You Said Wrong on Valentine's Day
Overcompensating: Valentine's Melee, We Must Destroy Valentine's Day, Hate Will Bring Us Together, The Smoothest Aphrodisiac
Penny Arcade: Precision Ordnance
[1] In my head, I write these things for Dan, Tricia, and some guy I don't know in Kansas.
I am one of the stealers of bandwidth...I just wanted to say thanks for letting me pass on the VD cheer...hahaha I said VD.
Posted by: Crack La Rock | February 14, 2006 9:40 PM
Posted by: Dan Telfer
February 15, 2006 11:35 AM