OCIC 2007

Albino Squirrel

Lastlast weekend the Chicago Neutrino Project bundled into three cars (plus Dan down from Michigan and Alison flew up from Texas) and drove over to Oberlin, Ohio for the Oberlin Improv Conference. The show was plagued by some technical difficulties, but a fun time was had by all -- and I was happy to see my sister Jeanne and her still-newly-wed husband Jeff who drove all the way from Cleveland to see the show and then hang out with us at Brewster's at the Oberlin Inn (one of two bars in town).

Most of the folks left Saturday morning, but Sean Cusick and I stayed to teach workshops (and Erica stayed because she likes me) and panel discuss and then watch improv long into the night (with, I'll freely admit, a quick trip to the bowling alley next door -- with as long as I've been doing improv, if I watch too much in a row I get twitchy).

We're big fans, now, of The Feve (Oberlin's other bar), and the albino squirrel, and hanging out on Tappan Square, and everyone at Oberlin. Yay!

Oh, and pictures.