My sweetheart is giving me two great gifts for Valentine's Day.
For one, she let me order a new iPod. My last one broke months ago and I've been limping along with some half-ass solutions (an old 256 MB MP3 player, my PSP, etc). I'm pretty sure it's just the harddrive, but as I went to order a replacement, it was going to be in the $100+ range and I'd still be warranty-less. So, I'm getting a brand-new black 30GB iPod. Video! 2 years of Apple Care!
And for another, tomorrow on Valentine's Day itself, robots are going to shoot lasers at my eyes.
Which is to say that I'm getting laser corrective surgery. In my eyes! Lasers!
I am simultaneously excited (I've been actively planning this for a year and a half now) and terrified (I use my eyes a lot). I'm very confident in the procedure and the staff at Northwestern Laser Vision Center, but the most important question is "will I still be as cute and lovable without my geeky glasses?"
Dan Telfer
One time you took off your glasses, and you vanished into thin air. In your place was star of the silver screen Vin Diesel.
By the time you read this you may not need your glasses but, good luck!
Hey, Fuzzy-
I had LASIK (got LASIKed?) more than 5 years ago, and it was some of the best money I've ever spent. Right now you're thinking, “Wait...I don't know you that well, but definitely well enough to know that you wear glasses.” I know, I know...but they're really just for reading/driving/etc. I can do most things without them, including running and biking (and it's glorious!). Before LASIK, my vision was about -11, maybe even -13. I can't really remember. Now it's less than -1.
Sorry to write a novel. Enjoy your new lease on sight!
Um, how cheesy. I should go now.
Hope all went well and you don't mutate into some sort of weird mutant laser-eyed supermutant freak. That would be cool, though! Wicked.