Looking Back: 2014 in Numbers

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It’s now a FuzzyCo tradition: writing up my last reviews of the year in mid-January and editing the time-stamps so they all appear at the very end of the year.

In 2014 I did:

So we’ll call that 23 shows.

I also read 19 books, saw 50 movies, and played 6 video games all the way through.

As for the last two years, live performances are low and media consumption is down again. I had two marathons and a triple triathlon on the training schedule and two brand new jobs that kept me very busy.

I ran 727 miles, biked 290 miles, and swam 23 miles and completed 14 races, including the Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, MN and finally completing the Chicago Marathon, doing the 2.1 mile open-water Point to LaPointe swim, and finishing the Chicago Triathlon Triple Challenge again.

I posted 69 photos on Flickr, posted 642 tweets, and made 109 blog posts here at FuzzyCo, 13 at Push Butt, and 21 at Chicago Flag Tattoos.

Numbers from 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2007.