[Originally posted on the Improv Chicago message board.]
Clarifications/de Maat Article
by Lisa Lewis
posted 3/2/01 5:35:37 PM
Okay, this is probably only important to ME, but I feel the need to clarify a couple of things about the article I submitted to Performink. (They're great folks, so don't misinterpret this as me "bitin' the hand", ya know?)
Anyhow, I initially expressed some real trepidation at the assignment, as I knew Martin (didn't we all), and I didn't want to have to wear my "press hat" and invade other people's private grief. As a result of this, I chose my words for the piece very carefully and cautiously.
Now, I must state that I have only seen the online version, so maybe this first thing is not a factor in hard copy: I opened the piece quoting the FULL Second City press release -- the open and close of that quote is wrong online. LIKEWISE, and this one matters, neither the SC release nor any of my own writing supplied Martin's age. I left that stone unturned for a REASON. Martin didn't give his age in life, and I wanted to honor that wish in death. So it was inserted by editors after the fact, and that bugs me a little.
Secondly, there is a passage about Martin being empathetic, followed by another line that reads, in part, "where a true FRIEND is hard to come by". I did not write "friend", I wrote "empath" (meaning one who is empathic, which I believe Marty truly was). I took that license there for a reason. Most importantly, I don't believe a true friend is hard to come by in this business, and I'd never say so.
Okay, I'm done now. Thanks for reading.
Lisa Lewis