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Heavenly Sword

Heavenly Sword must have some drastic difficulty-adjusting going on behind the scenes, because it’s supposedly a game all about building up and executing big combos and everyone knows I can’t do a simple X-X-Y combo to save my (video game character’s) life. And yet I was able to finish HS. Also, there’s a number of times you’re supposed to use the Six-Axis tilt controller to guide arrows or other projectiles to their targets and I ended up turning that off and just using the control sticks. Also, there are a couple of seriously creepy villains, but I had to turn on the subtitles because they’re talking so creepy I couldn’t understand what they were saying.

FuzzyCo grade: B-


I missed the note that the first six-axis section with the towers was a six-axis section and spent like an hour trying to figure out what the hell I was doing wrong. It was pretty frustrating but I otherwise enjoyed the game.

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