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July 2007 Archives

July 7, 2007


bare_badge.jpgMy high-energy improv duo Bare will be appearing at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago).

Mustang Repair and Homey Loves Chachi perform on the same bill.

July 13, 2007

Neutrino Project Utah

Greg Inda and I from the Chicago Neutrino Project and Jose Gonzalez from the Phoenix Neutrino Project will be teaching workshops to some Salt Lake City improvisors, culmuniating in a performance each night. The entire enterprise is sponsored by The Slapstick Association. A Zombie March starts off the whole weekend and Thrillionaires will open for this Friday night performance.

The Neutrino Project is a unique film/theatre hybrid where a half-hour film is improvised by the cast while the audience is watching the already-filmed portions of the movie, in near-real-time.

University of Utah's Union Theatre
200 S. Central Campus Drive
Salt Lake City, UT

July 14, 2007

Neutrino Project Utah

Greg Inda and I from the Chicago Neutrino Project and Jose Gonzalez from the Phoenix Neutrino Project will be teaching workshops to some Salt Lake City improvisors, culmuniating in a performance each night. The entire enterprise is sponsored by The Slapstick Association. JoKyR and Jesster will open for this Saturday night performance. The show will be followed by a free performance of The Sickest F***in' Stories I Ever Heard.

The Neutrino Project is a unique film/theatre hybrid where a half-hour film is improvised by the cast while the audience is watching the already-filmed portions of the movie, in near-real-time.

University of Utah's Union Theatre
200 S. Central Campus Drive
Salt Lake City, UT

The Sickest F***in' Stories I Ever Heard

The Sickest F***in' Stories I Ever Heard is a story-telling show with a simple premise--5 performers play a real game of poker, drink real beer* and smoke real cigars** and tell real, and really sick, stories from their lives. SFSIEH was created by WNEP Theater's Don Hall and FuzzyCo's Shaun Himmerick.

This performance will feature Chicago, Phoenix, and Salt Lake City improvisors. It follows the Saturday night performance of the Neutrino Project Utah, and so the start time is approximate. The entire enterprise is sponsored by The Slapstick Association.

University of Utah's Union Theatre
200 S. Central Campus Drive
Salt Lake City, UT

* I haven't found out yet what the local laws in Utah might be on this.
** Ditto.

July 21, 2007

Pastor of Muppets

Pastor of MuppetsPastor of Muppets at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). Long form improvisation.

The Fling and Cowlick perform on the same bill.

Don't Spit the Water

Dr Baron Ludwig von EvilschlagerDon't Spit the Water at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). A Crazy Live Game Show!

I'll be appearing as Dr. Baron Ludwig von Evilschlager, juggling chickens and performing other acts of unspeakable evil.

July 27, 2007

Chicago Comedy Co Theater

Chicago Comedy CompanyChicago Comedy Company Theater at the Streets of Woodfield Mall (601 N. Martingale Road, Suite 171, Schaumburg, IL).

There are two shows, one at 7:30 and one at 9:30. Both shows are family-friendly short-form improv.

About July 2007

Fuzzy Gerdes

This page contains all of Fuzzy Gerdes' performances from July 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

June 2007 is the previous archive.

August 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.