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May 2008 Archives

May 9, 2008

Pastor of Muppets

Pastor of MuppetsPastor of Muppets at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). Long form improvisation.

International Stinger and Mustang Repair perform on the same bill.

May 23, 2008

Pastor of Muppets

Pastor of MuppetsPastor of Muppets at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). Long form improvisation.

Feast of Pedro and The Basic Eight perform on the same bill.

May 31, 2008

Pastor of Muppets

Pastor of MuppetsPastor of Muppets at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). Long form improvisation.

International Stinger and Mort perform on the same bill.

May 3, 2008

LOL Theater

Laugh Out Loud TheaterLaugh Out Loud Theater (formerly the Chicago Comedy Co Theater) at the Streets of Woodfield Mall (601 N. Martingale Road, Suite 171, Schaumburg, IL).

There are two shows, one at 7:30 and one at 9:30. Both shows are short-form improv. The early show is family-friendly ("G - PG" as they say), the later show can be just a little more racy (PG-16, if there was such a thing).

May 16, 2008

LOL Theater

Laugh Out Loud TheaterLaugh Out Loud Theater (formerly the Chicago Comedy Co Theater) at the Streets of Woodfield Mall (601 N. Martingale Road, Suite 171, Schaumburg, IL).

There are two shows, one at 7:30 and one at 9:30. Both shows are short-form improv. The early show is family-friendly ("G - PG" as they say), the later show can be just a little more racy (PG-16, if there was such a thing).

May 24, 2008

Don't Spit the Water

Don't Spit the WaterDon't Spit the Water at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). A Crazy Live Game Show!

I'll be in the booth as the announcer, Mr. Pickles.

May 28, 2008

Don't Spit the Water in Hollywood

Don't Spit the WaterChicago's Crazy Live Game Show goes to Hollywood: Don't Spit the Water at the Comedy Central Stage (6539 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood, California 90038). The show is free! Call (323) 960-5519 for reservations.

I'll be the announcer and tech guy, "Mr. Pickles", so you'll hear but not see me the whole show.

May 3, 2008

The Sickest F***ing Stories I Ever Heard

The Sickest F***ing Stories I Ever HeardThe show features five performers playing real poker, drinking real beer, and telling real stories. Real sick stories, to boot.

Playground Theater, 3209 N Halsted, Chicago

May 31, 2008

Don't Spit the Water

Don't Spit the WaterDon't Spit the Water at The Playground (3209 N Halsted, Chicago). A Crazy Live Game Show!

I'll be appearing as a brand new character!

May 4, 2008

Your Sunday Best

I'll being doing a 5 minute set at the Your Sunday Best open mic at Schubas (3159 N Southport, Chicago).

May 24, 2008

Belmont Burlesque Revue

I'll be performing some naughty standup comedy at the Belmont Burlesque Revue (at the Playground, 3209 N Halsted, Chicago).

May 22, 2008

Blewt! Sings

Blewt! SingsBlewt! is taking its show Don't Spit the Water! to the Comedy Central Stage in Los Angeles for a performance on May 28th. To help raise money for our trip, we're holding a karaoke party at Trader Todd's. Your favorite comics and characters from Don't Spit the Water! will be joining the fun with karaoke performances, and, of course, you'll be welcome to pick up the mic and sing a song or two!

Your admission of $40 gets you unlimited drinks and appetizers from 8pm to 10pm. Half of that money goes directly toward the cost of sending 7 actors out to Los Angeles to perform fart jokes for strangers.

Blewt! Sings!
Thursday, May 22nd @ Trader Todd's
3216 N. Sheffield
8pm to 10pm - $40
Open Bar, Appetizers, Karaoke!

Purchase your tickets now to get on the guest list for this exciting event! All admissions come with a FREE ticket to a future performance of Don't Spit the Water and a lifetime of gratitude from the Blewt! family.

Blewt! Sings ticket: $40

About May 2008

Fuzzy Gerdes

This page contains all of Fuzzy Gerdes' performances from May 2008. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2008 is the previous archive.

June 2008 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.