Don't Spit the Water Pilot Taping
We're taping a TV Pilot for our Crazy Live Game Show, Don't Spit the Water at the ComedySportz Theatre. Tickets are free, but are very limited. You can also apply to be one of the on-stage contestants!
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We're taping a TV Pilot for our Crazy Live Game Show, Don't Spit the Water at the ComedySportz Theatre. Tickets are free, but are very limited. You can also apply to be one of the on-stage contestants!
I'm going to be the guest co-host on Talking Seriously (the alter-ego of Talkin' Funny) with my good friend Paul Luikart.
CAN-TV 21, Chicago
You can view my appearance on the Talkin' Funny website.
We're starting off the sixth season of Impress These Apes with a brand-new twist, borrowed from TV reality shows--we're doing a live casting show. We've narrowed down our auditionees to 18 talented Chicago performers, and now we're asking them to perform in front of a live audience and our secret celebrity judges. By the end of the evening we'll have our cast of eight for the next eight weeks.
I'll be appearing as a new co-host of the show: Pre-historic Human.
Tickets $10
ComedySportz Theatre
929 W Belmont, Chicago
This page contains all of Fuzzy Gerdes' performances from June 2011. They are listed from oldest to newest.
May 2011 is the previous archive.
July 2011 is the next archive.
Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.